May Favourites
The fact that I’m only getting this blog post up now pretty much sums up all of May for me. It has been one crazy busy month. Actually, it’s really been one crazy busy year! These days I pretty much feel like I’m just keeping my head above water but that’s what you get for starting your own business. I also believe that if I didn’t feel like I was drowning, failing and riding a roller coaster all at once than I’m probably doing something wrong because this is what everyone told (read warned) me about being an entrepreneur. So this month’s ‘Faves’ post is all about the products and hacks that are keeping me alive and well during this insane time in my life.
Don’t forget to scroll all the way to the bottom for your chance to win one of my fave products!
Favourite skincare product:
Tata Harper Hydrating Floral Essense
I had the luxury of trying out and then getting to take home this spray only last week but have used it multiple times a day, every day since then. This miracle mist both moisturizes and hydrates the skin as it contains similar ingredients found in Tata’s well-known serums. I love that it can be applied on a fresh face or over makeup. Personally I’ve been using it later in the afternoon when I feel tired and in need of a little pick me up. I can definitely see this mist becoming my new favourite travel partner as well.
Favourite healthy snack:
Chocolate Quinoa Coconut Nagi Bar
Although there are so many raw and vegan products on the market, it is actually rare to find a protein bar that fits within that criteria but still contains a good amount of protein and does not contain 20g of sugar. I was definitely surprised when I saw Nagi bars had 12 grams of protein and only 9 grams of sugar. I was even more surprised to find out how good they taste – especially the chocolate quinoa coconut flavour. I also really like the texture. It’s more chewy similar to a Lara bar and does not have any artificial aftertaste to it. I also love that they are made in Canada and the founder Justyna is Polish (I’m half Polish) so these bars and I were pretty much meant to be.
Favourite wellness hack:
Detox Water
I should really call this “spa” water because let’s be honest, you can’t actually detoxify your body by drinking naturally flavoured water however it does have a nice ring to it and there are so many benefits as well. Right now I am really into filling up a massive mason jar of water and throwing in half a lemon, one third of a large cucumber and a handful of fresh mint. Each ingredient has it’s own glorious benefits. While you make think of lemons as being acidic, they are actually one of the most alkaline-forming foods which helps to balance the acidity in our bodies. Then we have cucumbers that are filled with tons of vitamins and minerals which are amazing for our skin and lastly mint is so good for our digestion. I make my jar at night and store it in the fridge so the water is really flavourful in the morning. I will then drink it first thing, before my coffee so I know I’m off to a great start.
Favourite new workout gear:
Joe Fresh Floral Active Popover
June gloom has been real here in Toronto thanks to Mother Nature. It’s so easy to let the grey skies get the best of you but one trick that has been working for me is adding a pop of colour to my wardrobe. Whether it’s a neon colour sports bra, a bright sneaker or a fun pattern jacket like this purple floral piece from Joe Fresh, adding some brightness to my regular all black attire has certainly been mood boosting. I’m pretty much always in black leggings and either white or black running shoes so I love that this jacket goes with my normally neutral wardrobe. It’s pretty much impossible to be in a bad mood when you’re decked out in florals. (Photo from joefresh.com)
Favourite workout recovery product:
SKINORD muscle warming + cooling cream
While I don’t think you can replace a proper warm up and a good stretch pre and post workout, sometimes you need an extra boost in the recovery department, especially on those leg days. Lately I’ve been using Skinord’s muscle warming cream before my workout and cooling cream after, on the days where I know I am going really hard in the gym. I’m one of the people who really suffer from DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness). You know that day 2 feeling where you have to hold on to both sides of the toilet seat to sit down and get back up? That always happens to me.
Skinord uses only natural ingredients such as essential oils and vitamins to replicate the processes that occur in the body during warm ups and cool downs. For example the wintergreen oil in the warming cream helps increase blood flow and the peppermint in the cooling cream aids in soothing the muscles.
Best part is their products are produced right here in Toronto! And even better? Skinord is giving one of you lucky readers your very own set of pre and post workout creams. All you have to do is leave a comment letting me know the exercise that makes you the most sore! For me it’s always lunges. Winner will be announced on Friday via Instagram – good luck!