I really couldn’t think of a better title for this blog post. Things right now are just plain CRAZY. The energy is chaotic, rumours are rampant and no one seems to have any answers. Even the most zen person in the world right now is probably experiencing some sort of anxiety. So for anyone that typically struggles with anxiety on a daily basis, I know this is a challenging time.
The truth is, there is so much out of our control right now. And yes, that sucks. But we need to remember that despite everything going on, there are still things we can control. Stuff like: the media we consume, the books we read, the food we eat, the shows we watch, what time we go to bed, the list goes on…
So instead of spending our time spreading false information and worrying about things we can’t control, here are 5 things we can do right now to make us all feel better.
Practice gratitude
Take out a piece of paper and write down 5 things you are grateful for. Do it right now. (Seriously, if you are reading this blog post, you have time). Writing these down will help you remember that despite everything going on, we still have a lot to be thankful for and I guarantee it will instill a little positivity into your day.
It is scientifically proven that working out releases endorphins in our body. And we can all use some happy hormones these days, am I right? It doesn’t have to be anything crazy or technical. Just get your heart rate up and break a sweat. You won’t regret it.
Get outside
Simply going for a walk yesterday completely changed my day. Even though it was freezing out, the mix of fresh hair and sunlight immediately lifted my spirits. Please make sure to get outside (if you are allowed) during these times. Especially for those of you who are normally cooped up in an office all day but are now working from home, use this time to your advantage and go for a morning walk or afternoon stroll.
Shut down social media
Last night on Instagram I declared I would be shutting down social media come 7pm every night. This was decided after a long phone call with one of my best friends who gave me the reality check that being “on” all day was def not helping with my anxiety. Shutting off early also had such a positive ripple effect. I ended up getting into bed at 9pm and in turn, waking up at 5:30 feeling relaxed and ready for the day ahead. And when I turned my phone back on this morning I was blown away by the amount of you who said you were going to do it too. I’m so happy we’re in this together!
Give back
During these scary and unpredictable times, it is important to remember those less fortunate than us. Plus, if you want an instant mood booster, do something good for someone else!! There are so many ways that we can give back right now. I have personally committed to donations/deliveries for a local organization in my community and I have sent a box of baby food from Fragola to a mother in need. I encourage you to look into ways you can serve your community. Instead of complaining about how hard we have it, let’s put that energy towards someone else who actually has it hard right now.
So today, instead of sharing “that” text message from your friend of a friend whose cousin’s aunt’s sister’s colleague works for the government and knows what’s about to happen, share this blog post instead and help someone feel a little better today. xoxo