Holiday dinners can be a huge source of anxiety for a lot of us. Whether you are trying to lose, gain or maintain your weight we tend to face the same struggles at large celebratory dinners. From the endless amount of menu options on the buffet to the pressure faced when eating with family and friends, it can be a struggle to not overeat, or in some cases, undereat at a holiday meal.
Since I celebrate Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, I want to share my five strategies to navigating a holiday meal so you can eat and enjoy in the best possible way.
1. Go green
When it’s time to fill up your plate, start with greens (salad, veggies) and try and take up half the plate with them. This will still leave a little room for all the meat, pasta and potatoes but keep your portions in check.
2. Drink up to fill up
Before the meal, have a large glass of water. This will not only help with digestion later on but will keep your hunger cues in check and help prevent overeating.
3. Plan your treat
I’m all for indulging and truthfully would rather have dessert than anything else in the world. If you go to the same house for the holidays every year and know you love your aunt’s honey cake, plan to have your specific treat to avoid getting overwhelmed with all the other choices.
4. Get moving
Try scheduling a workout in either the day of your big meal or the following morning. Even a light walk around the block will help with digestion and allow you to keep up your healthy moving habits.
5. Lose the guilt
Whether it’s the New Year or Thanksgiving, the holidays are the time to connect with family and friends. They are also holidays – they happen a few times a year. Let yourself live, enjoy and then get back to routine when they are done. One piece of cake or one giant meal will not set you back. Lose the guilt and enjoy yourself.
Photos from Pinterest.