As you may or may not know, I worked in a corporate office environment for just over 6 years before doing Kale and Krunches full time. And believe it or not, I found it WAY easier to live a healthy lifestyle in those days compared to when I became a trainer and health coach – crazy right?!
That’s actually why I started my Instagram account. To share all my tips and tricks on how to stick to a consistent and healthy routine when you work in an office environment.
For a lot of you reading this right now, an office job is still your jam but keeping things healthy…it’s touch and go, right? Well today I am compiling a list of all the tips, habits and routines I practiced when I worked in an office that not only helped me lose weight and keep it off, but kept me in optimal health!
Become a morning workout person!
Okay okay, this first tip might seem a little extreme but honestly, my 6 am workouts changed my life. It was truly the only way I could be consistent with an exercise routine when I had a 9-5 office job. After all, how many emergency meetings really pop up before 6 am that will prevent you from hitting the gym? Still not convinced…read here for how to become a morning workout person.
Pack your lunch AND breakfast!
Are you one of those people that get to the office, have a large coffee and don’t eat until lunch? Unless you are purposely and (more importantly) properly intermittent fasting, this is a habit you want to get out of. Making lunch your first meal of the day will have you feeling starving by noon and giving into the fast food restaurants that seem to make up most corporate office lunch options . Packing a healthy breakfast and lunch will force you to eat healthier because you won’t want your hard-earned work and food to go to waste. Here is a super simple lunch meal prep idea for you!
Keep your desk clean!
And I don’t just mean tidy. I had a recurring event in my work calendar for every Monday morning that said CLEAN DESK. As soon as it went off, I took out my disinfecting wipes and went to town on my desktop, keyboard, mouse AND PHONE!!! Save yourself from those “heroes” who insist on showing up to the office with the freaking plague and wipe your shit down!!! (Ugh I hated those people).
Drink a ton of water and pee a lot!
Weird right? BUT drinking water has a ton of health benefits…duh…and makes you have to pee all the time so you GET UP! That was honestly one of my favourite things about consuming so much water at the office, I was forced to constantly get up to go to the bathroom. Being forced to walk helps with blood flow, energy and posture. And as they say, sitting is the new smoking. So drink water, get up and pee!
Ignore the health haters!
I wrote this article about corporate health shaming a few years ago but it can be REAL! I struggled a lot with trying to explain to my co-workers why I had already worked out that day, why I didn’t want to get a burger for lunch or why I chose a green tea instead of a donut at 3 pm. My tip here is stay in your own lane. Most of the questions or comments you get will stem from the other person’s own insecurities about their own unhealthy choices. Either use the comments to educate them (in a non-annoying way) or just ignore them. But don’t let them derail your progress!
Whether your hours are 9-5 or your days are much longer and more strenuous, keeping a healthy lifestyle up at the office can be super simple if you take a little time to plan ahead. It might seem like a lot of work at first but once you get into the habit, these routines will become second nature. After all, at the end of the day, your health is the most important currency anyways!