We are currently living through unprecedented times and it is truly affecting every area of our lives. This global pandemic has brought on expected feelings of anxiety, hopelessness and loneliness. But it’s also been a cause of many unexpected feelings and issues, a big one being ‘mom guilt.’
With schools closed, parents are being asked to do the impossible…work from home AND take care of their kids all day long. I mean, there is a reason things like daycare and nannies exist! The balance is absolutely impossible and everyone is just doing their best. But it’s still hard not to feel guilty when you can’t pay attention to your kid who is front of you begging for attention. Or when the house is a complete mess because there was literally zero time to attend to any household chores.
Whether you’re a mom of one baby like myself or trying to homeschool 3 kids and work from home, mom guilt is real and I wanted to share my thoughts with you about it in this video. Hope it helps!